Our Beliefs

What We Believe

Learn more about our beliefs by reading our doctinal statements below!

We believe that the Word of God is inspired by the Holy Spirit through its authors for the purpose of guiding our understanding of God, faith, and our purpose.

We believe that God, exists in three. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit and that He is the Creator of all things

We believe that sin has ostracized us from God and our true purpose.

We believe that Jesus Christ, son of God, was conceived through a virgin birth, lived a blameless life, taught and performed miracles, died for our salvation, was resurrected, ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

We believe that one must repent of their sin and accept the free gift of Jesus’ forgiveness to bypass spiritual death and receive eternal life.

We believe that believers should congregate and fellowship together as a church, the Bride of Christ, and spread the gospel within the community and show God’s love to the lost.

We believe that all who repent be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to show that your old self has died and you have raised to live a new life with Christ.

We believe that as believers we should break bread in commemoration of the Lord’s sacrifice on the cross and proclaim our belief in His second coming. (Lord’s Supper)

We believe that believers should affirm Christ’s call to make disciples of all nations by evangelizing the unchurched community both near and far through the use of our God-given talents and abilities.

We believe that in the same way that Christ offers spiritual liberation we as believers have an obligation to fight discrimination, alienation, and oppression in all its forms and show Jesus’s unbiased love in an imperfect world.

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